Sunday, February 3, 2008

An Obsession Vacation

Due to the Lunar New Year, Taiwan will pretty much close down as of Wednesday (Tuesday here) for a week to celebrate. In fact, I hear that some of the key people in our adoption will actually be off for two weeks celebrating the holiday.

In celebration of the 'out with the old, in with the new' holiday, I've decided to take the next two weeks to do a little house cleaning myself and to step back from wishing the phone to ring with big news and take the time to notice things happening around me.

So my job is to not obsess about the adoption. And your job is to not ask me if I've heard anything? because I can guarantee you I haven't.

What I noticed on Day 1 of my Lunar experiment?

My boys looked like hippies!

How did I go so long without getting their hair cut? So today's order of business was to get them cleaned up. Now that's better.

Go Patriots!

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