Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cleanup in Aisle Six!

On a cold, damp Southern California night, I was zipping through the grocery story for two reasons. One, to get home in time to do stories and bed with the kids. The other, so I wouldn't be spotted in my Sunday too-lazy-to-make-myself-presentable mode.

Milk... check.
Cereal...check, check.

Ingredients for Lucy's first birthday cupcakes...

(insert sound effect for being punched in the stomach here)

We're days away from our little girl's first birthday and I'm already weeping in grocery store aisles? Oh man, it's going to be one long week! It would be a little bit easier to deal with if we had any idea of when we'd be traveling. (do you hear me world?)

Here's a photo of the culprits:
And don't think for a second, maker of the "Disney Princess Sprinkles" that you've pulled one over on me. I am almost positive that not only are there no actual princesses in the magic decorative topping, but I bet they weren't even made by genuine princesses. You may have gotten me today but don't get too cocky -- I'm on to you.

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