Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today's Top 5

On this Thanksgiving, some reflections on all I have to be thankful for.

1. Three incredible children.
From the creativity and huge thirst for knowlege of my older son to the sense of humor and amazing energy around my little boy to the awe inspiring strength of our little girl in Taiwan; I feel like I've won the kid jackpot. I could not be more proud of the three little human beings I'm so fortunate to love.

2. For the cool guy I married five years ago next week.
When I said "I do", I had no idea that he would become even more loving, caring and stronger than anyone I've ever known. He's still my favorite person in the world.

3. For our extended family and friends.
We're so fortunate for good health in our families (knocking on wood now), and for being able to host the people we love at our home during the holidays. We just wish we could be in Boston at the same time. But we will be there in the spring with our little girl.

4. For our careers.
Ever since we became parents, we've chosen projects that fit with our family. We're so grateful we've been able to work on things that we love and challenge us while still taking care of the kids ourselves. For each day that continues, we're thankful.

5. Last but not least, health.
I'm so appreciative for what feels like a second chance at living a strong, healthy life. I plan to never take it for granted and to live every day like it means something. Because it does.

What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving to our family, friends, and the new adopting parents we've met along this journey.


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