Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lucy's old friends... our new friends

It's been two weeks (tomorrow) since we officially accepted the referral of our baby girl. In that time, so many people have shown such love and support which we so appreciate. We were invited to meet other LA area families in various stages of their adoptions (and whose babies are probably playing with Lucy in Taiwan right now) at Judy and Steve's house for a pizza party. Ava, the lone SLC baby in the group who's blessed her family already by coming home, was such a sweetie and delight and I think reminded us all of what we have in store for us. Her mom and dad are already pros in the parenting dept in just four months! Island Boy's parents are packing up and heading to Taiwan in just a few short weeks. Yeah for them! And Judy and Steve will finally have their hearing this week -- one step closer to baby Eric.

Meeting others going through this process and being invited into their group means a lot to us. It's amazing to imagine that all of our babies will be home in the coming months and we will continue to support each other throughout the years.

Wilfred (Ava's Daddy), Jeff, Judy & Steve (practicing by holding Ava), Ken & Renae, our boys & me. Missing: Lata (Ava's Mommy) who was taking the photo.

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