Monday, October 22, 2007

Angels on Earth

When I say "angel", you probably assume I am talking about Lucy. Of course she's our sweet angel. :) But actually, I am referring to Judy and Steve, who are in Taiwan and yesterday met their sweet boy. While at SLC, they held, played with and cuddled with Lucy and sent MANY photos for us to see! We are overwhelmed with excitement and appreciation for the thoughtfulness of this incredible couple.

Lucy, we love you so much. Sit tight baby girl - we're coming to get you as soon as we can!

Judy even included a little personality update via email...
"Lucy is petite, but she is already standing while holding on. She is such a cutie pie. She is smaller than others but has just as much energy. While we were there, she did spit up her milk and the nannies changed her right away. She likes to suck her right thumb."

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