Monday, September 24, 2007

Head Spinning!

Let's see... as of last Monday, my biggest question was the pros and cons of "virtual twinning". That seems like a hundred years ago now.

Friday went something like this...

Ring Ring
Jackie: "Hello"
Kerry: "Hi Jackie, it's Kerry"
Jackie: "Hi Kerry - why is it I stop breathing when I see the call is from you"
Kerry: "Well maybe after this call you won't lose your breath anymore when I call"


Oh!!!!!! Because you're about to tell me that you have a baby girl who's just perfect for our family!

But things aren't that simple.

The baby Kerry was calling about isn't just any little girl.

Yu Ting came into this world several weeks early weighing in at 3.7lbs. And with premature babies comes potential challenges.

Are we up for those challenges?

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